Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers
Bringing together local authority officers
and all transport professionals
If you have recently joined ATCO, or just discovered the website you may want to access the members area mentioned on the front page.
Becoming a member of ATCO does not give automatic access to the website as they are managed in different ways. So you have a few steps to go through to get access to certain pages on this site.
Step one - Click on the Log in / sign up button on the home page

Step two - On the form that appears click on " Sign Up" near the top

Step three - You're almost there - Fill in the form (shown below) using the email address you used to join ATCO and choose your own password. The admin on the site do NOT have access to this and do not get to see it. Click on the large "Sign Up" button

Step four - This generates a message to the site admin and your request is checked against the membership list. If you are a member of ATCO your request will be approved. If not we'll check first to see is your membership is pending and if it is you'll get access.
Logging in - Once you have been approved you can simply log in using the form shown above at step two.
Password Issues - All passwords via this site are managed by the individual with site admin having no access to them at all. If you do forget your password, click on the "forgot password" link on the log in page and it will generate an email to the address you provided when signing up. You are then able to reset your password yourself.